The Firehouse Lawyer Newsletter

Results for newsletters with the topic “Affirmative Action

Today we outline some of the “do’s and don’ts” of pre-employment inquiries under the ADA and the WLAD; we also consider what the meaning of a “serious health condition” is under the FMLA; the need for physician certification for an employee to secure their FMLA rights; incapacity as a result of pregnancy under the FMLA; and an anti-affirmative action bill in California being found constitutional. 01-07199711v01n07nov1997.pdf
Today we discuss the highlights of all of the 2019 issues of the Firehouse Lawyer. Happy New Year! 17-12201912December2019FINAL.pdf
We now consider the propriety of "affirmative action" policies under Washington and federal law, and we also discuss frequently asked questions about benefit charges. 18-0820208August2020FINAL.pdf
This issue involves a court case pertaining to impact fees and the "exhaustion" requirement in the context of appeals of land use decisions; we also discuss another court case involving a whistleblower/wage case. 20-0520225May2022FINAL.pdf
In this issue we discuss the Washington Silenced No More Act, along with a recent finding of the NLRB regarding non-disparagement clauses; we also consider issues with breaking up projects for purposes of avoiding bid thresholds, and an upcoming training by Eric Quinn on DEI programs.21-0320233March2023FINALwDEI.pdf
In this edition we discuss how the 103% lid bill did not yet pass, and provide a brief description of some FLSA exemptions and cooperative purchasing. 21-0420234April2023FINAL.pdf
This issue discusses potential and actual changes to EMS billing practices; we also discuss changes in the sick-leave laws, DEI initiatives and a law relating to job postings. 23-0120251January2025FINAL.pdf
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the Firehouse Lawyer
are located at:

7403 Lakewood Drive West,
Suite #11

LakewoodWA  98499-7951

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